

Casaba melons are small to medium in size and are found in varying shapes, sometimes appearing round, oval, to acorn-shaped. The melons generally taper to a slight point on the stem end and have a thick, tough, and smooth rind that is textured with longitudinal furrows, wrinkles, and folds. Underneath the surface, the flesh is dense, slippery, aqueous, tender, and succulent, showcasing pale green to white shades. There is also a central cavity filled with oval, tan seeds suspended between white fibers and liquid. Casaba melons emit a mild aroma. The flesh is subtly sweet and musky, combined with cucumber and Asian pear nuances, followed by a faint spice-filled warmth.

Casaba melons are a good source of vitamins B6 and C and folate. The melons also provide potassium, fiber, magnesium, and lower amounts of calcium.


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