

Herbs can offer an amazing array of benefits, and Winter Savory is no exception. From their intense flavors and fragrances to their uses in the garden attracting pollinators and repelling pests, these plants are beloved by cooks, gardeners, and herbalists alike. Winter Savory is a great mixing herb. It blends well with different culinary Oreganos, Thymes, and Basils and can be added to meat, poultry, or fish. Its small leaves are the perfect complement to herb cheeses or as last-minute additions to sautés. Even though it has a strong flavor when fresh, it does not hold up well to prolonged stewing. Famous for making its mark on beans, dried Savory also perks up stuffings and can be mixed with Sage, Thyme, and Bay. Add it to ground turkey or pork with Fennel Seed, Cayenne Pepper, and Thyme. There are very few dishes that a little Winter Savory won’t make better.

This herb is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamin C. Leaves of Winter Savory have been found to consist of medicinal essential volatile oils like carvacrol and thymol. Thymol is an antiseptic and antifungal agent, making it a great way to fight and prevent the spread of fungal infections. Carvacrol, meanwhile, is an antibacterial agent, effective in fighting such bacterial strains as Bacillus cereus and E. coli. It is important to note that Winter Savory should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.


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