

The next time you have a martini, savor the flavor and remind yourself it comes from the Angelica root. Angelica herb is a European plant that has been a flavoring agent in many popular types of liquor, including gin and vermouth. The Angelica plant has a long history of use as a seasoning, medicinal, and tea. Angelica is closely related to carrots and a member of the Parsley family. The root, leaves, and seeds are all useful. Stems are used in salads or candied. Leaves can be cooked in soups and stews. Oil derived from seeds is used in perfumes and to flavor liqueurs. Tea can be made from roots (a thick fleshy piece of vegetation that reminds one of a huge pale carrot) and leaves.

There are enormous amount of vitamins, including vitamin B12, thiamine, folic acid, biotin, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, riboflavin, and more. The roots also contain sucrose, fructose, and glucose, which can help you get energy and nutrition.


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