

This mix contains an excellent and well-rounded custom mix of lettuce with a blend of different colorful and flavorful heirloom varieties. It includes Merville 4 Seasons, Silvia, Great Lakes, and Prizehead varieties. Merville 4 Seasons is a centuries-old French heirloom Bibb lettuce with big heads of radiant color and beautiful ruby-red leaves that surround tightly folded green hearts — truly a visual treat! Silvia is a Romaine lettuce with sturdy leaves that are often used in Caesar salads. Great Lakes is a crisp, sweet, and crunchy Iceberg lettuce that DOES have flavor. Prizehead lettuce has loose, large green leaves with curled maroon tips. This variety has wonderful flavor.

Very low in calories, this mixture contains potassium, dietary fiber, vitamins B6 and C, calcium, iron, cobalamin, and magnesium.


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