

Fava Bean Microgreens are some of the prettiest, most lush greens grown. They have thick stems and smooth, vivid green cotyledons. Fava Bean Microgreens are favored for their crunch and sweet, nutty flavor. They’re excellent in a salad, especially when paired with peas, kale, or broccoli. There’s a genetic disorder named after Fava Beans because they’re literally the only food that makes it act up. Called favism, this genetic disease is an enzyme deficiency that affects roughly eight percent of the population (as of 2012). It’s sensitive to the chemical compound vicine, which is produced by Vicia faba. If a person with favism eats any part of a fava plant, they’ll develop hemolytic anemia. So if you happen to have favism or develop any strange symptoms after eating this food, it’s best not to eat them.

Fava Bean Microgreens are also great for your health. They have higher concentrations of nutrients than their mature selves so they’re chock full of fiber, iron, protein, and Vitamin C. Adding them to your diet can aid in preventing cancer and strengthening your heart health and digestion.


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