

Nasturtium is a genus of flowering plants known for their brightly-colored flowers and attractive foliage. The name Nasturtium means “nose twister” in Latin, referring to people’s reaction upon tasting the flowers. Nasturtium is both a decorative garden annual and a useful culinary herb. The seeds were used for a substitute for pepper during World War II. The Nasturtium is the 40th wedding anniversary flower. In the Victorian language of flowers, they represent patriotism. The flowers are one of the most recognized edible flowers and have a peppery taste. The seeds and leaves are also edible. The seeds can be used as an alternative to capers. Use them in green salads, potato salads, egg dishes, and seafood dishes, as well as vinegars.

Nasturtium leaves and flowers are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and D, beta carotene, iron, manganese, and flavonoids.


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