A cat’s motto:
No matter what you’ve done wrong,
try to make it look like the dog did it!
Will arbitration work?

fera Bladder Support


Bladder support with organic cranberry for dogs and cats promotes a healthy bladder and urinary tract. Not only does it help remove damaging free
radicals, it also supports normal urine pH and enhances the immune system and kidney function.

Organic cranberry — 250 mg
D-Mannose — 250 mg
Organic marshmallow root — 120 mg
Organic astragalus root — 80 mg
Organic stinging nettle root — 50 mg
*Contains 16mg of proanthocyanidins (PACs) per serving from cranberry

Scoops per Day
0 to 25 pounds — 1 Scoop
26 to 75 pounds — 2 Scoops
76 pounds and Over — 3 Scoops
Can be given during mealtime to provide optimal and urinary tract health.

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This formula helps keep the bladder and kidneys healthy for your dog or cat. The proprietary blend features organic cranberry, D-mannose, and other natural remedies that promote a healthy bladder while minimizing the frequency of urinary tract infections (UTIs). It also supports normal urine pH while enhancing the immune system and kidney function. UTIs can be painful, expensive, and even dangerous when associated with bladder stones or FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) so this Bladder Support is the kind of preventive medicine that provides you with peace of mind.
Did you know that organic cranberries and D-mannose are a dynamic duo for preventing urinary tract infections in dogs and cats. Cranberries contain A-type proanthocyanidins, which interfere with bacteria’s
ability to attach to the bladder wall, while D-mannose actually binds with bacteria so that it is expelled in urine rather than multiplying within the bladder to cause an infection and UTI symptoms. Fera also includes organic marshmallow root, organic astragalus root, and
organic stinging nettle root to boost immune function, promote bladder and kidney health, and defend against inflammation.

“The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.”

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